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©Frank Schulenburg |
Every winter the entire population of Northern elephant seals—which now
numbers well over 100,000—come ashore along the West coast to give birth and
mate. This is a short respite from the nine months of the year they spend
exclusively at sea foraging. This huge conglomeration also makes them easy
targets for exploitation. When observing the biomass of seals present today, it
is hard to imagine that not so long ago these animals were so scarce they were thought to be extinct. In the late 1800’s, whales were becoming scarce and
hunters turned to elephant seals as a new source of blubber. The slow moving
mammals were easy targets, whose massive bodies yielded up 210 gallons of oil1.
The population dwindled to roughly 40 individuals, at which time local
governments stepped in to intervene. Their recovery was a combination of
conservation efforts, discovery of alternative fuel sources, and their
coincidental inclination to scarcity by mean of their elusive life at sea. The
population is now increasing by 25% annually.
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©Kevin Schafer
rebounding of the Northern elephant seal is often labeled as classic
conservation success story, but it has not come without its costs. Each animal
alive today is descendant from one of the remaining 40 individuals, creating an
extreme genetic bottleneck. The effects of this bottleneck are observed in a
small but noteworthy portion of the population afflicted with congenital defects.
The most common of these defects is hydrocephalus (abnormal accumulation of
fluid in the brain) involving the lateral ventricles, various types of cardiac
anomalies, and spine curvature (Trupkiewicz, et. al, 1997). A greater threat is
the lack of genetic diversity in the population, making them susceptible to
total decimation in the event of a species-wide infectious disease. While the
species as a whole has recovered from extinction risk, the genetic diversity of
the species has been lost and gives us the need to reevaluate what it means to
conserve a species and whether biological or genetic diversity is ultimately
more important.
no secret that if we want to thrive as a species, we need to protect biological
diversity. Ecosystems with greater diversity function better, and the services
ecosystems provide us are invaluable in sustaining our lives2. Having
a range of different species that interact with the environment in different
ways can help stabilize an ecosystem by mitigating negative forces. The
susceptibility of an area to colonization by invasive species is also strongly
related to the composition of native species there. But what about the
diversity within a species? Even if an ecosystem richly diverse in its quantity
of species, it is on the verge of collapse if the individual gene pools are
homogenous. Even with numbers in the hundreds of thousands like the Northern
elephant seal, the lack of genetic diversity is crippling if an infectious
disease or other critical stress is introduced.
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history of Northern elephant seal provides us with two important insights into
the field of conservation. First, it reminds us that endangered species are not
destined to be on a one-way path to extinction. Even members of the
100-heartbeat club (species with less than one hundred individuals remaining)
can—and do—recover. Even the most critically endangered individuals are not
“lost causes,” rather, they need focused and determined efforts to help them
recover. Second, it stresses the importance of genetic diversity in the
maintenance of biological diversity. The lack of genetic diversity in Northern
elephant seals could be due to the fact that their small population rebounded
naturally, as opposed to artificially selecting pairs to avoid inbreeding. In
their highly polygynous society, a dominant male can father over 500 offspring
in his lifetime, while subordinate males may never get the chance to breed3.
Coupled with low population size, genetic diversity can easily be lost.
Northern elephant seal was the first documented case of low genetic diversity
in response to a near-extinction event. Currently, another pinniped species
holds the standard for low genetic diversity in endangered species: the
Hawaiian monk seal. The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus
schauinslandi) experienced a similar decimation in population to the
Northern elephant seal in the late 19th century due to
overexploitation, but their population has not been able to rebound as prolifically.
The latest estimates of the Hawaiian monk seal population is around 1,100
individuals and declining at four percent annually.
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(Shultz, 2008) |
two pinniped species faced a similar decline, the same government protections
(the Marine Mammal Protection Act, as well as state and federally designated
refuges) and similar threats to their present-day livelihoods (ocean trash,
climate change, predation), yet their recovery from near-extinction is
drastically different. The prolific, but unregulated, breeding
of the Northern
elephant seal allowed boosted their population to high numbers, at a cost to genetic
diversity. The Hawaiian monk seal is a much more solitary animal that lives in
an isolated island habitat and has struggled to rebound.
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Range of Monachus schauinslandi in the Hawaiian archipelago. (Schultz, 2008)
can use the outcome of the Northern elephant seals’ near-extinction event to
change ways in which we approach species conservation. The
Hawaiian monk seal is in an ideal situation to regulate breeding in wild
populations because they are a non-migratory species that inhabits an island
community. Researchers with NOAA’s Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program have a
relocation program that moves juvenile monk seals from the Main Hawaiian
Islands to the remote Northwest Hawaiian Islands to reduce competition and
increase the survivability of young individuals (Baker, et al., 2011). Relocation also serves to mix
up the genetic makeup of each island and could lessen the impact of a genetic
bottleneck by controlling which animals have access to each other. This is a
good species to use as a case study for controlling breeding in wild
populations because the island habitat provides natural barriers against gene
flow. If you collect genetic information from each seal and know what their
heritage is, scientists can relocate individuals least closely related together,
then continue to relocate their offspring to islands with different genetic
Focusing solely on species richness as a measure of biological diversity ignores the qualitative aspects of those species that directly affect their quantitative value. We need to take into account genetic
diversity when helping critically endangered species, especially the smaller
their existing population. It is no longer enough to protect the number of
different species on earth; we need to promote genetic diversity too. Looking
forward to the future of conservation, it is necessary to look at protecting
not only biological diversity but genetic diversity as well in order to save
the remaining species.
©Phillip Colla
1. Charles Melville Scammon (2007). The Marin Mammals of the Northwest Coast of North America: Together with an account of the American Whale-Fishery. Heyday Books. p. 132 ISBN 978-1-59714-061-4.
2. Hooper, D. U., et al. 2005. Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem processes: implications for ecosystem management [ESA Public Affairs Office, Position Paper]. Ecological Society of America. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/habitat/econsens/index.htm (Version 24AUG2006).
3. Leboeuf BJ (1974). "Male-male competition and reproductive success in elephant seals". Amer. Zool. 14: 163–176.
4. Mooallem, Jon. "Who's Killing the Monk Seals?" MY Times Magazine 8 May 2013: Print.
5. Schultz, Jennifer K., et al. "Extremely low genetic diversity in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi)." Journal of Heredity 100.1(26, 2008): 25-33. Web of Science. Web. 12 June 2013.
8. Baker, J.D., et al. “Translocation as a tool for conservation of the
Hawaiian monk seal.” Biological
Consercation 144.11 (2011): 2692-2701.
2. Hooper, D. U., et al. 2005. Effects of biodiversity on ecosystem processes: implications for ecosystem management [ESA Public Affairs Office, Position Paper]. Ecological Society of America. Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/habitat/econsens/index.htm (Version 24AUG2006).
3. Leboeuf BJ (1974). "Male-male competition and reproductive success in elephant seals". Amer. Zool. 14: 163–176.
4. Mooallem, Jon. "Who's Killing the Monk Seals?" MY Times Magazine 8 May 2013: Print.
5. Schultz, Jennifer K., et al. "Extremely low genetic diversity in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi)." Journal of Heredity 100.1(26, 2008): 25-33. Web of Science. Web. 12 June 2013.
6. Trupkiewicz, J G, F. Gulland, and J. Lowenstine. "Congenital defects in northern elephant seals stranded along the California coast." Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33.2 (1, 1997): 220-225.
7. Vellend, M., et al. "Connections Between Species Diversity and Genetic Diversity." Ecology Letters, 8.7 (2005)
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