In the modern age, sterility is
something that we have become accustomed to. Many years ago, the achievement of
sterility was an almost inaccessible luxury as the technology was lacking. Yet
despite all the advantages, we must note the drastic effect it has on microbial
abundance and diversity. From the moment Leeuwenhoek first noted the presence
of “wee beasties” in a droplet of water, the field of microbiology has
accelerated rapidly. Today we learn more about microbes every day and the
wealth of discoveries can be seen in the many recent biological and medical
advancements. From polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based diagnosis to
sequencing the human genome, products from bacteria notably enzymes, have been
essential to the advancement of humanity. For this age of prosperity to
continue it is essential that we maintain and cultivate our greatest resource.
By promoting strategies to protect and strengthen the microbial diversity of
the world (primarily in the kingdom of bacteria), we can assure that this vital
resource will be around for generations to come.
The recent invention of antibiotics
and recognition of bleach, alcohol and fire as anti-bacterial agents have
revolutionized the world. In the past, prior to the implementation of sterile
technique, even the most minor of surgeries could have resulted in a deadly
infection. Without the discovery of antibiotics mortality rates due to common
illnesses, such as pneumonia, were relatively high (30% in the case of
Haemophilus influenzae a common cause of bacterial pneumonia (© 2009 Kent Wood)
Prior to the contemporary era,
people often thought that all bacteria were malignant and pathogenic. Studies
performed in the last few decades have revealed that this is far from the case.
Many bacteria, if not the vast majority that we interact with every day, are
beneficial commensal organisms. In humans they are essential for priming our
immune systems, helping us metabolize food, and even protecting us from other
more nefarious bacteria11,8,12,16. As infants we are born with an
immature and inexperienced immune system. It is only through breast feeding and
exposure to microbes that we are able to develop a robust and diverse immune
system that is able to fight off novel pathogens. A significant portion of this
priming process occurs in our guts. At birth we acquire bacteria, usually from
our mothers, which colonize our intestinal tracts. Studies have shown that a
baby’s immune system is stronger (more developed) when the child underwent a
vaginal birth in comparison to a caesarian section15. Studies in
mice and rats have also confirmed the necessity of bacteria in the extraction
of nutrients and energy from food12,17.
Building off these studies,
researchers have furthered their understanding of gut microbiomes. With the
recent surge in next-generation sequencing technologies, it is getting easier
and easier to analyze the microbial communities in environments with high
levels of genetic diversity (i.e. intestines)6. Organisms ranging
from cows to zebrafish have had their gut microbiota sequenced3,13.
The results reveal that there are many conserved species across phyla and that
these microbes are likely to be essential in breaking down certain types of
nourishment4. In the images below we can see the similarities between the microbiomes in the guts of cows and zebrafish. In addition, I included an animated image to remind us that the bacterial interactions within the gut, are dynamic and constantly changing.
Microbiome of the cow gut4
Microbiome of the zebrafish gut15
Fluorescent bacteria within the gut of a zebrafish
Another interesting use of
bacteria is in the conservation of eukaryotes. Many plants and animals have
specific bacteria that are associated with them. These symbiotic relationships
tend to be mutualistic in nature. One great example is the cutaneous bacterial
community found on the redback salamander, Plethodon cinereus. Scientists
noticed that these salamanders were innately more resistant to chytridiomycosis,
caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Further
investigation suggested that this resistance was due to anti-fungal proteins
produced by the salamanders’ resident cutaneous bacteria1.
Researchers in Kings Canyon National Park are inoculating lakes with these
bacteria in hopes that they may confer chytridiomycosis resistance to the
endangered yellow-legged frogs living there14. An important point to
take home here is that the extinction of eukaryotic organisms can also result
in the loss of the bacteria associated with said organism. Although the redback
salamander is relatively common, the extinction of it and/or its associated
microbiota could be a death sentence for amphibians worldwide.
Having elucidated the importance
and significance of microbial diversity, we will now venture into terra
incognita (uncharted territories).
Firstly, how would it be possible
to make sure that we maintain certain species of bacteria? One
option would be to store all species in large cryogenic libraries.
On the other hand, is it
necessary to preserve every species or is the preservation of individual genes
or sets of genes a better option?
It is widely understood that one
of the primary methods of prokaryotic genetic inheritance is through horizontal
gene transfer; the transfer of genes between different species in a
non-temporal and non-generational fashion. Perhaps instead of preserving
individual species, we could preserve the individual genes that make certain
bacteria different from other bacteria. This would be a far simpler endeavor
than preserving every unique species as molecular cloning techniques are
already well established.
Another important topic is where
to focus the efforts. It is not entirely clear how many different bacteria
there are on earth but it would probably be fair to say that identifying and
defining each species would take more than a single human lifetime. It might be
best to focus on locations that are endangered or at risk of being drastically
altered in a way that might affect the bacteria present there. Possible
locations include bio-diversity hotspots and other locations near the equator.
In addition, lands that are likely to be changed due to recent surges in human
activity (e.g logging in the amazon rainforests) are other possible locations
of focus.
On this point, it is interesting
to consider some of the past microbial-derived discoveries in terms of their
value to the human race. Heat-stable polymerases, such as Taq, that were discovered in
hot-springs (see picture below) or hydrothermal vents were key in developing a research method that
is fundamental to many aspects of molecular biology, the polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). Without these bacterial polymerases it is probable that the
human genome project would still not be complete today. Maybe focusing on
extreme environments is the ideal, as the future of the earth is unclear and we
never know when we will need enzymes that function in super high temperature (global
warming?) or super cold temperatures (interstellar travel?).
Hot springs potentially similar to the location where Taq was discovered (
Regardless, it seems foolish to
not consider the importance of preserving microbial species. A good first step
would be to lay out all the benefits and risks to see how urgent and necessary
this kind of endeavor would be. Investigating natural rates and cycles of
bacterial extinction would be a good place to start. Another starting point
would be deciding which approach to take (bacterial species vs. bacterial
genes). It is important to take into account the cost and efficiency of a given
preservation method.
In conclusion, throughout history bacteria have provided us with a substantial array of benefits. More often than not it took hundreds, even thousands, of years before people were able to tap into the resources provided by bacteria (e.g. Taq, restriction enzymes, etc…) If we want to maximize the potential of similar new discoveries, it is crucial that we begin thinking about and investigating bacterial conservation NOW.
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